Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Builds of Family Browser Released

Yesterday we uploaded to our web site new builds of Family Browser 2013 & 2014.  These new builds addressed mainly feedback that we received during the RTC Conference in Auckland last month.

Floating Network Licenses:

We now offer Floating Network licenses  for both Family Browser 2013 & 2014 for orders over 10 users.  This can be ordered from our webpage by selecting the "Network Floating User" license type.

Current Project Family Group (FB 2014 Pro Version):

When Family Browser is now opened, automatically there will be a group created that shows the current families that are loaded in the project.  The user has some choices of what categories to show and whether  that should show as a tree view in one single tab are split up with tabs per each category.  To see this in action watch this video.

Family Already Loaded Icon (FB 2013 & 14):

When the user moves their mouse over a Family Browser icon a blue "P" will appear in the bottom left hand side of the icon if that family is already loaded into the current project.

Other Tweaks:
  • Fixed an issue with trying to load a family with a numeric name ie.  100.rfa
  • Added a default icon to the favorites tab if no favorites had been added.
  • Optimized and speed up the advanced search database for very large family libraries.
  • Advanced search now allows duplicate family names to show up.

The new builds have been uploaded to our website as trial versions and full versions from the members area.

Keep the comments/suggestions and future ideas coming.  We have some seller ideas that we are currently working on at the moment for future releases.