Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Browser - Most Recent Families

Another Enhancement/New Feature that has just been added to Family/Project Browser is a new "Recently Used Families" expander bar at the bottom of Family Browser above the search bar.

This expander replaces Revit Component Type Selector which also lists the most recently used families, but in a more convenient location.

Thanks Dave  Baldacchino for this suggested feature.

Family Browser - Sub Folders in Tabs

Over the last two years we have had a few comments from people that, especially when creating tabs for Detail components that there ends up with allot of tabs. Even with careful organization of Groups this can still happen.

It has been suggested if we could have sub tabs within tabs to try and get another level of organization and flexibility in Family Browser.

Well your wishes have now come true in Family Browser 2013 with the ability to add sub folders to tabs. These are totally user customizable to as many levels deep that you require. They can also be cross referenced in more than one tab.

Check out this video below that explains how this is done.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sometimes it's the little things that count.

We receive allot of feedback from our customers with features that they would like to see and enhancements to both Project Browser and Family Browser.  Sometimes these ideas are a simple thing for us to include.  Two of these requests have been added to the latest download of Project Browser.

1.       Pin/Unpin Graphic - We have always been able to pin open or unpin FB & PB by double clicking on the spine.  This has not been obvious to all so we have included a Pin icon for this.

2.       There have been a few requests to be able to reorder tabs within Project Browser, especially to get Family Tab which launches Family Browser down to the bottom.  You can now reorder the common tabs within Project Browser to whatever order you like.  At this stage you cannot custom order Query tabs.

To see this in action watch the video below.